Jazz 1.25.+
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Data Structures | Typedefs
jazz_models Namespace Reference

Concepts: A tree of Snippets with support fro blending that populates a semantic space. More...

Data Structures

class  Concept
 Concept: Generalizes Snippet for informal code. More...
class  Model
 Model: A Space of Concepts. More...
class  ModelsAPI
 ModelsAPI: The model API. More...
class  SemSpaces
 SemSpaces: A Fields for Concepts. More...


typedef ConceptpConcept
 A pointer to a Concept.
typedef ModelpModel
 A pointer to a Model.
typedef ModelsAPIpModelsAPI
 A pointer to a ModelsAPI.
typedef SemSpacespSemSpaces
 A pointer to a SemSpaces.

Detailed Description

Concepts: A tree of Snippets with support fro blending that populates a semantic space.

Semantic space: SemSpaces class.

ModelsAPI: The model API.

Model: The abstract model.

Concepts are the higher level equivalent of a Snippet with all the support fos the resolver to convert them into code.