Jazz 1.25.+
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jazz_elements Namespace Reference

The namespace for Jazz Utils, Blocks, Kinds, Tuples, Containers, etc. More...

Data Structures

class  Block
 A block is a moveable BlockHeader followed by a Tensor and a StringBuffer. More...
struct  BlockHeader
 Header for a Movable Block (Tensor, Kind or Tuple) or a Dynamic Block (Index) More...
class  Channels
 Channels: A Container doing block transactions across media (files, folders, shell, http urls and zeroMQ servers) More...
class  ConfigFile
 A configuration file as a key/value store. More...
class  Container
 Container: A Service to manage Jazz blocks. All Jazz blocks are managed by this or a descendant of this. More...
struct  EntityKeyHash
 EntityKeyHash: A record containing separate hashes for entity and key. More...
struct  ItemHeader
 Header for an item (of a Kind or Tuple) More...
struct  JazzLmdbOptions
 All the necessary LMDB options (a binary representation of the values in the config file) More...
class  Kind
 Kind: A type definition for Jazz Blocks and Tuples. More...
struct  Locator
 Locator: A minimal structure to define the location of resources inside a Container. More...
class  Logger
 A simple logger. More...
struct  NameUse
 NameUse: A pair of Name and number of times the name is used. More...
struct  ParseNextStateLUT
 A lookup table for all the possible values of a char mapped into an 8-bit state. More...
struct  ParseStateTransition
 A way to build constants defining the transition from one state to the next via a regex. More...
class  Persisted
 Persisted: A Service to manage data objects in LMDB. More...
struct  PutBuffer
 A structure keep state inside a put callback. More...
struct  QueueEnt
 QueueEnt: An entity to store a priority queue. More...
class  Service
 A Jazz Service is a globally instanced configurable object that may allocate RAM. More...
struct  Socket
 A structure to hold a single pipeline. More...
struct  StaticBlockHeader
 A Binary Compatible BlockHeader without Index (and therefore constructors/destructors) More...
struct  StoredTransaction
 An internal (for Container) Transaction with pointers for a deque. More...
struct  StringBuffer
 Structure at the end of a Block, initially created with init_string_buffer() More...
union  Tensor
 A tensor of cell size 1, 4, 8 or sizeof(BlockHeader) More...
struct  TensorDim
 The dimension of a tensor. More...
struct  Transaction
 Transaction: A wrapper over a Block that defines the communication of a block with a Container. More...
class  Tuple
 Tuple: A Jazz Block with multiple Tensors. More...
class  Volatile
 Volatile: A Service to manage data objects in RAM. More...
struct  VolatileTransaction
 VolatileTransaction: A Transaction-descendant wrapper over a Block for Volatile blocks. More...


typedef std::map< int, const char * > AttributeMap
 An stdlib map to store all the attributes of a Block at the same time used by the some Block methods.
typedef class BlockpBlock
 A (forward defined) pointer to a Block.
typedef std::map< int, std::string > MapIS
 A map for defining http config names.
typedef std::map< std::string, IndexConnMap
 A structure holding connections.
typedef std::vector< uint8_t > GetBuffer
 A structure to share with the libcurl get callback.
typedef GetBufferpGetBuffer
 A pointer to a GetBuffer.
typedef PutBufferpPutBuffer
 A pointer to a PutBuffer.
typedef std::map< std::string, SocketPipeMap
 A structure holding pipeline.
typedef std::map< int, int > MapII
 A map for defining http config ports.
typedef unsigned int MHD_StatusCode
 A proper type for specifying http status codes.
typedef ChannelspChannels
 A pointer to a Channels.
typedef ParseStateTransition ParseStateTransitions[NUM_STATE_TRANSITIONS]
typedef std::atomic< int32_t > Lock32
 An atomically increased (via fetch_add() and fetch_sub()) 32 bit signed integer to use as a lock.
typedef class ContainerpContainer
 A (forward defined) pointer to a Container.
typedef std::map< std::string, pContainerBaseNames
 A map of names for the containers (or structure engines like "map" or "tree" inside Volatile).
typedef TransactionpTransaction
 A pointer to a Transaction.
typedef struct ExtraLocator * pExtraLocator
 A pointer to an ExtraLocator.
typedef LocatorpLocator
 A pointer to a Locator.
typedef StoredTransactionpStoredTransaction
 A pointer to a StoredTransaction.
typedef std::map< std::string, int > MapSI
 An internal map for managing dimension parsing.
typedef KindpKind
 A pointer to a Kind object.
typedef std::map< std::string, MDB_dbi > DBImap
 The lmdb MDB_dbi handles for each source.
typedef MDB_txn * pMDB_txn
 A pointer to a MDB_txn structure which is what mdb_txn_begin() returns.
typedef PersistedpPersisted
 A pointer to a Persisted object.
typedef TuplepTuple
 A pointer to a Tuple object.
typedef std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point TimePoint
 A time point stored as 8 bytes.
typedef char Name[NAME_SIZE]
 A short identifier used in Blocks, Containers and API.
typedef NamepName
 A pointer to a Name.
typedef char * pChar
 A pointer to a char buffer.
typedef uint16_t ff_fp16
 A future (C++23 declares std::float16_t) 16-bit floating point placeholder for float16 and bfloat16.
typedef std::set< std::string > Dimensions
 An set::set with the dimension names returned by kind.dimensions()
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > Index
 An Index kept in RAM by Volatile implemented as an stdlib map (string, string)
typedef BlockHeaderpBlockHeader
 A pointer to a BlockHeader.
typedef StaticBlockHeaderpStaticBlockHeader
 A pointer to a StaticBlockHeader.
typedef StringBufferpStringBuffer
 A pointer to a StringBuffer.
typedef int StatusCode
 Type returned by the Service API.
typedef int TenBitIntLUT[TENBITS_LUT_SIZE]
 A lookup table for all the possible results of a TenBitsAtAddress() call -> integer.
typedef void * TenBitPtrLUT[TENBITS_LUT_SIZE]
 A lookup table for all the possible results of a TenBitsAtAddress() call -> pointer.
typedef ConfigFilepConfigFile
 A pointer to a ConfigFile object.
typedef LoggerpLogger
 A pointer to a Logger object.
typedef ServicepService
 A pointer to a Service object.
typedef struct VolatileTransactionpVolatileTransaction
 A pointer to a Transaction-descendant wrapper over a Block for Volatile blocks.
typedef std::map< uint64_t, pVolatileTransactionHashVolXctMap
 HashVolXctMap: A map from hashes to pointers to VolatileTransaction.
typedef std::map< uint64_t, QueueEntHashQueueEntMap
 HashQueueEntMap: A map from hashes to QueueEnt.
typedef std::map< EntityKeyHash, pVolatileTransactionEntKeyVolXctMap
 EntKeyVolXctMap: A map from (entity, key) hashes to pointers to VolatileTransaction.
typedef std::map< uint64_t, NameUseHashNameUseMap
 HashNameUseMap: A map from hashes to Name and number of times the name is used.
typedef std::string * pString
 A pointer to an std::string.
typedef VolatilepVolatile
 Pointer to Volatile.


size_t get_callback (char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *container)
 A callback for libCURL GET.
size_t dev_null (char *_ignore, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *_ignore_2)
 A callback for libCURL GET to ignore all the blocks sent by the server in PUT and DELETE calls.
size_t put_callback (char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *container)
 A callback for libCURL PUT.
void compile_next_state_LUT (ParseNextStateLUT lut[], int num_states, ParseStateTransition trans[])
double R_ValueOfNA ()
bool FileExists (const char *file_name)
 Check if a file exists.
char * ExpandEscapeSequences (char *buff)
 Expand escaped strings at run-time.
pid_t FindProcessIdByName (const char *name)
 Find the pid of a process given its name.
uint64_t MurmurHash64A (const void *key, int len)
 MurmurHash2, 64-bit versions, by Austin Appleby.
std::string CleanConfigArgument (std::string s)
 Remove quotes and (space and tab) outside quotes from a string.
int TenBitsAtAddress (const char *str)
 Get ten bits taking the least significant 5 of the first two characters of a string.
int64_t elapsed_mu_sec (TimePoint big_bang)
 Return server running time in microseconds as a 64 bit integer.
bool valid_name (pChar p_name)
 Check if a name is valid (Without using the regex).


char NA [8] = NA_AS_TEXT
 The text "NA" as a char array.
char ESCAPE_LOW_ASCII [8] = {"abtnvfr"}
 The letters that can be escaped.
char DEF_INT8_FMT [8] = {"%hhu\0"}
 The default format for int8_t.
char DEF_INT32_FMT [8] = {"%i\0"}
 The default format for int32_t.
char DEF_INT64_FMT [8] = {"%lli\0"}
 The default format for int64_t.
char DEF_FLOAT32_FMT [8] = {"%.9e\0"}
 The default format for float.
char DEF_FLOAT64_FMT [8] = {"%.18e\0"}
 The default format for double.
char DEF_FLOAT_TIME [24] = {"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"}
 The default format for time_t.
uint32_t F_NA_uint32
 A binary exact copy of F_NA.
uint64_t R_NA_uint64
 A binary exact copy of R_NA.
 The size for each section.
ParseStateTransitions state_tr
ParseNextStateLUT parser_state_switch [MAX_NUM_PSTATES]
 The configuration file.
 The logger.
float F_NA = nanf("")
 NaN in single.
double R_NA = R_ValueOfNA()
 NaN in double (binary R-compatible)
ff_fp16 F16_NA = {0x7e00}
 FLOAT16_NA: 0x7e00 is the IEEE 754 half-precision floating point representation of NaN.
ff_fp16 BF16_NA = {0x7fc0}
 BFLOAT16_NA: 0x7fc0 is the Brain Floating Point, half-precision representation of NaN.

Detailed Description

The namespace for Jazz Utils, Blocks, Kinds, Tuples, Containers, etc.

This namespace includes utilities, types, constants and structures used by Block, all different block-based data and code structures (Tuple, Kind, Snippet, ...). All the Services used to allocate/store and communicate blocks (Channels, Volatile, Persisted, ..).

Typedef Documentation

◆ MHD_StatusCode

typedef unsigned int jazz_elements::MHD_StatusCode

A proper type for specifying http status codes.

Before libmicrohttpd (somewhere between > 0.9.66-1 and <= 0.9.72-2) changed MHD_Result to an enum, MHD_Result was (improperly) used to define HTTP responses. That ended-up badly on newer versions, since it was passed to a MHD_queue_response() and stopped working as it became an enum.

This triggered the need, for clarity reasons only, to introduce a new type, MHD_StatusCode to refer to HTTP responses.

See: https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml

◆ ParseStateTransitions

typedef ParseStateTransition jazz_elements::ParseStateTransitions[NUM_STATE_TRANSITIONS]

A vector of StateTransition.l This only runs once, when construction the API object, initializes the LUTs from a sequence of StateTransition constants in the source of api.cpp.

◆ Name

typedef char jazz_elements::Name[NAME_SIZE]

A short identifier used in Blocks, Containers and API.

Names are used in may contexts including: identifying a Container in an API query, a Container inside another Container, a Block in a Container, a field in a Tuple or a Kind and some API query arguments (e.g., as_json).

Names are vanilla ASCII NAME_LENGTH long string starting with a letter and containing just letters, numbers and the underscore. They can be validated using the function valid_name() or the regex REGEX_VALIDATE_NAME.

◆ HashVolXctMap

HashVolXctMap: A map from hashes to pointers to VolatileTransaction.

This map allows locating entity root VolatileTransactions for creating and destroying entities.

◆ HashQueueEntMap

typedef std::map<uint64_t, QueueEnt> jazz_elements::HashQueueEntMap

HashQueueEntMap: A map from hashes to QueueEnt.

This map allows locating entity root VolatileTransactions for creating and destroying queues.

◆ EntKeyVolXctMap

EntKeyVolXctMap: A map from (entity, key) hashes to pointers to VolatileTransaction.

This map allows locating any nodes.

◆ HashNameUseMap

typedef std::map<uint64_t, NameUse> jazz_elements::HashNameUseMap

HashNameUseMap: A map from hashes to Name and number of times the name is used.

This map allows doing the reverse conversion to a hash() function finding out the hashed names.

Function Documentation

◆ get_callback()

size_t jazz_elements::get_callback ( char *  ptr,
size_t  size,
size_t  nmemb,
void *  container 

A callback for libCURL GET.

ptrThe incoming data chunk.
sizeSize in whatever_units.
nmembwhatever_unit size in bytes.
containerA pointer owned by the caller. (A GetBuffer in this case.)
The number of bytes processed.

(see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION.html)

◆ dev_null()

size_t jazz_elements::dev_null ( char *  _ignore,
size_t  size,
size_t  nmemb,
void *  _ignore_2 

A callback for libCURL GET to ignore all the blocks sent by the server in PUT and DELETE calls.

_ignoreThe incoming data chunk.
sizeSize in whatever_units.
nmembwhatever_unit size in bytes.
_ignore_2A pointer owned by the caller. (A GetBuffer in this case.)
The number of bytes processed.

(see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION.html)

◆ put_callback()

size_t jazz_elements::put_callback ( char *  ptr,
size_t  size,
size_t  nmemb,
void *  container 

A callback for libCURL PUT.

ptrThe incoming data chunk.
sizeSize in whatever_units.
nmembwhatever_unit size in bytes.
containerA pointer owned by the caller. (A GetBuffer in this case.)
The number of bytes processed.

(see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_READFUNCTION.html)

◆ compile_next_state_LUT()

void jazz_elements::compile_next_state_LUT ( ParseNextStateLUT  lut[],
int  num_states,
ParseStateTransition  trans[] 

The ParseNextStateLUT compiler

lutThe array to fill with the LUT.
num_statesThe number of states in the LUT.
transThe array of transitions to use to fill the LUT.

(This is only used to create constants used by parsers.)

◆ R_ValueOfNA()

double jazz_elements::R_ValueOfNA ( )

Constants for the types of cells in a Tensor

An R-compatible numeric NA.

◆ FileExists()

bool jazz_elements::FileExists ( const char *  file_name)

Check if a file exists.

file_nameThe file name.
True if the file exists

◆ ExpandEscapeSequences()

char * jazz_elements::ExpandEscapeSequences ( char *  buff)

Expand escaped strings at run-time.

Public Domain by Jerry Coffin.

Interprets a string in a manner similar to that the compiler does string literals in a program. All escape sequences are longer than their translated equivalent, so the string is translated in place and either remains the same length or becomes shorter.

April 17 tests built and compliant with:

\a 07 Alert (Beep, Bell) (added in C89)[1] \b 08 Backspace \f 0C Form-feed \n 0A Newline (Line Feed); see notes below \r 0D Carriage Return \t 09 Horizontal Tab \v 0B Vertical Tab \\ 5C Backslash \' 27 Single quotation mark \" 22 Double quotation mark \? 3F Question mark (used to avoid trigraphs) \nnn The byte whose numerical value is given by nnn interpreted as an octal number \xhh The byte whose numerical value is given by hh… interpreted as a hexadecimal number


buffThe string to be expanded.
The expanded string.

◆ FindProcessIdByName()

pid_t jazz_elements::FindProcessIdByName ( const char *  name)

Find the pid of a process given its name.

It does NOT find itself as it is intended to find other processes of the same name.

nameThe name of the process as typed on the console. In case parameters were given to start the process, it is just the left part before the first space.
The pid of the process if found, 0 if not.

◆ MurmurHash64A()

uint64_t jazz_elements::MurmurHash64A ( const void *  key,
int  len 

MurmurHash2, 64-bit versions, by Austin Appleby.

(from https://sites.google.com/site/murmurhash/) a 64-bit hash for 64-bit platforms

All code is released to the public domain. For business purposes, Murmurhash is under the MIT license.

The same caveats as 32-bit MurmurHash2 apply here - beware of alignment and endian-ness issues if used across multiple platforms.

keyaddress of the memory block to hash.
lenNumber of bytes to hash.
64-bit hash of the memory block.

◆ CleanConfigArgument()

std::string jazz_elements::CleanConfigArgument ( std::string  s)

Remove quotes and (space and tab) outside quotes from a string.

Removes space and tab characters except inside a string declared with a double quote '"'. After doing that, it removes the quotes. This is used by ConfigFile and has obvious limitations but is used for its simplicity and easily predictable results.

sInput string
String without space or tab.

◆ TenBitsAtAddress()

int jazz_elements::TenBitsAtAddress ( const char *  str)

Get ten bits taking the least significant 5 of the first two characters of a string.

strA string with at least two characters.
The ten bits as an integer.

Warning: No pointer validation or length check. Never use on nullptr or "".

◆ elapsed_mu_sec()

int64_t jazz_elements::elapsed_mu_sec ( TimePoint  big_bang)

Return server running time in microseconds as a 64 bit integer.

big_bangThe primordial event (== Jazz server start ;)
The time elapsed in microseconds

◆ valid_name()

bool jazz_elements::valid_name ( pChar  p_name)

Check if a name is valid (Without using the regex).

p_nameThe name to be checked
True if valid

Variable Documentation

◆ state_tr

ParseStateTransitions jazz_elements::state_tr

The parser logic defined in terms of transitions between states.

◆ parser_state_switch

ParseNextStateLUT jazz_elements::parser_state_switch[MAX_NUM_PSTATES]

The parser logic defined as a LUT (initialized by compile_next_state_LUT()).