Jazz 1.25.+
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jazz_elements::VolatileTransaction Struct Reference

VolatileTransaction: A Transaction-descendant wrapper over a Block for Volatile blocks. More...

#include <volatile.h>

Inheritance diagram for jazz_elements::VolatileTransaction:

Data Fields

union { 
   pVolatileTransaction   p_prev 
 Pointer to the previous node in a deque ...
   pVolatileTransaction   p_parent 
 ... or parent node in a tree.
pVolatileTransaction p_next
 Pointer to the next node in a deque or next sibling in a tree.
union { 
   pVolatileTransaction   p_child 
 Pointer to the first child in a tree ...
   double   priority 
 ... or priority value in a queue.
union { 
   int   level 
 Level in the AA tree (used for auto-balancing) ...
   int   num_wins 
 ... or MCTS tree node number of wins.
union { 
   int   times_used 
 Times the block has been reassigned in the queue ...
   int   num_visits 
 ... or MCTS tree node number of visits.
uint64_t key_hash
 Node locator hash required to find the ID of a related (next, ...) node.
- Data Fields inherited from jazz_elements::Transaction
union { 
   pBlock   p_block 
 A pointer to the Block (if status == BLOCK_STATUS_READY) for Tensor, Kind and Tuple.
   pBlockHeader   p_hea 
 A pointer to the Block (if status == BLOCK_STATUS_READY) for Index.
Lock32 _lock_
 An atomically updated int to lock the Transaction to support modifying the Block.
int status
 The status of the block transaction.
pContainer p_owner
 A pointer to the Container instance serving API calls related to this block.

Detailed Description

VolatileTransaction: A Transaction-descendant wrapper over a Block for Volatile blocks.

This structure supports all the types in Volatile (deque, queue, tree).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: