Api Reference for the base "bash" inside the container Channels

The Container Channels

Channels is a container doing block transactions across media (files, folders, the bash shell, http urls and zeroMQ servers). This includes keeping a cluster of Jazz nodes as a whole where every node is aware of all the others and queries can be forwarded by just including the node name. Any imaginable communication channel, including writing files and pushing them to github (using git in the bash shell) is accessible. This includes all protocols supported by zeroMQ and libCURL.

The base bash

This is, like 0-mq, also a modify() call, the difference is you don’t create the pipeline, it always exists and is called “//bash/exec”. The Tuple is an array of byte, both ways “input” and “result”. If the size of the “result” buffer is too small for the answer it will be filled up to the available size and something will be lost. The answer includes whatever a popen(“bash script.sh”) writes to stdout/stderr (where script.sh is the content of the “input” tensor).

In terms of the Jazz server API

This is a function call: either GET //bash/exec/(//lmdb/stuff/script) or GET //bash/exec/(&ls%20-la) the argument can be anything in Persisted, Volatile, even a file or an //http get or a (%-encoded) constant as in the second example.