Updated reference of The Tangle Server
Jazz à la carte is intended to be a series of Jazz servers maintained as Docker images through continuous integration including such things as “voice recognition”, “text to speech”, etc. This is the second member of the series.

What is The Tangle

It is an entangled collection of English text: dictionaries and grammar, books, wikipedia articles, movie subtitles, facts, Q&A, … See poster

How to check for the latest version?

Follow this link and note the version number.

How to run it

You have to use a different docker image kaalam/jazz_tng:0.5.3 instead of kaalam/jazz_lss:0.5.3 which is a server with some extra software to download and decompress the datasets.

The process is three step:

  • downloading and decompressing
  • compiling (storing the serialized data sources as binary in the LMDB database inside Jazz)
  • verifying

Downloading and decompressing

Run a docker container by typing:

docker run -ti -v ~/tmp/the_tangle:/home/jazz/jazz_dbg_mdb kaalam/jazz_tng:0.5.3 /bin/bash

where ~/tmp/the_tangle is any existing empty local path you wish to use to store everything (60 Gb required). Inside the docker container run the script ./download_and_store.sh and exit when complete.

You are ready for compiling.


Install the python package with pip install thetangle. Run the TNG server with:

docker run -p8899:8899 -v ~/tmp/the_tangle:/home/jazz/jazz_dbg_mdb kaalam/jazz_tng:0.5.3

using the same ~/tmp/the_tangle folder you used for downloading.

Then, open a python interpreter and run

from thetangle.TheTangle import CompileTheTangle

in the same machine that is running the server.


You already have a python package named thetangle installed and a server running as you did in the previous step.

Now, you can run a python welcome example