Basic Intelligence Engineering Concepts
Despite the publications representing results of different stages of the research,
- 2020 Formal Fields: A Framework to Automate Code Generation Across Domains
- 2021 The Tangle: A Connected Dataset of English Grammar and Curated Text
- 2023 Lifelong Formal Modeling Agents – Definitions and Implementation Strategies
two years after the last publication, there is no white book titled “The Intelligence Engineering Handbook”, our limited resources do not allow us to divert much from software development for now and we communicate just through reference manuals.
The exact implementation of Models in Jazz 1.25.2 is not yet available. We only define high-level ideas for now and will provide implementation details in the future.
Intelligence is conversion into form
Form is unambiguous definition: basically, code, also mathematics (the science of formal systems as defined by Haskell Curry), but also a fully defined ruleset of a game, a law, a chemical process, …
Saying that intelligence is building models, finding patterns, solving IQ tests, … are different ways of saying the same thing. Other definitions of intelligence do not fit ours, just like other definitions of “energy” or “gene” do not fit those of physics or molecular biology. It is okay, we need an actionable and useful definition, not a philosophical one. Something that can be implemented. If our definition happens to miss something fundamental, we will find out soon enough. But if we pretend not to know and say “intelligence is hundreds Nobel prizes away”, we will never get there.
The two worlds: formal and informal
The conversion from source into execution is done by a compiler. That is the Bebop-25 world of the previous page.
The conversion from data into form is done by a resolver. Resolving is an optimization problem. Optimization is what computers undeniably understand as argued long time ago since the Formal Fields paper and before. See “Towards a pragmatic definition of understanding”.
The process of resolving is done by a Model
in Jazz terms. A Model
is a program that writes, runs and evaluates code.
Again, we write Jazz because we need Jazz
We need Jazz 1.25.2 because it allows extension by uplifting to research the next generation of ideas. We have been researching intelligence engineering since since 2017 and before and look forward to having the tool we need.
Stay tuned

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