Making function calls via the rest API

Making function calls via the rest API

What is treated as a function call

Internally, Containers have two execution methods exec() and modify(). The difference is the former always creates a new Tuple with the result, while the latter modifies (like in a call by reference) the Tuple passed as an argument. Any container could in principle have any method, if they don’t, it will default to the root method that just returns an error code.

In jazz_elements (anything complete in Jazz 0.5.x) only Channel implements modify() and nothing implements exec(). In Jazz 1.25.x (with Bebop and Models(), both the Core and the ModelsAPI container use exec() execute code Core API and use models Model API.


Function call syntax from the rest API

Can be done by either an existing block or a constant. E.g.,

  • //0-mq/speech2text/(//lmdb/sound/voice_one)
  • //bash/exec/(&ls%20-la)

Note: These calls follow the final / immediately, since they refer to an entity (//0-mq/speech2text or //bash/exec), not a key.

Function calls done by Bebop (Jazz 0.6x) do use keys:

  • //core/field/opcode(//lmdb/sound/voice_one)
  • //core/field/opcode(&ls%20-la)