How the image in which the others are based is processed
Jazz à la carte is intended to be a series of Jazz servers maintained as Docker images through continuous integration including such things as “voice recognition”, “text to speech”, etc. For the moment, the neat LSS and The Tangle server are the only members.

What is this?

This is the base image that is used by all the other images. It is basically a complete server with all its dependencies that does not expose any port, expect any mounted folder nor runs a starting script.

To use it, you can start your Dockerfile as:

FROM jazz_base_stable

 ... whatever you add here ...


CMD ["/home/jazz/"]

For jazz_base_stable to exist as a local image, you must have git clone-d the Jazz repository, configured successfully so that you can compile, installed docker and run the in the Jazz docker folder.

How to check for the latest version?

Follow this link and note the version number.