Api Reference for the base "lmdb" inside the container Persisted

The Container Persisted

Persisted blocks are blocks stored using LMDB in the Jazz process.

The base lmdb through the Jazz server API

The entity is always a database. A database is created by GET //lmdb/base_name.new and destroyed with DELETE //lmdb/base_name. The special database www is used to store the blocks exposed via the static API

The key is always an identifier inside the database, there are no commands.

Serializing blocks

Both the input and the output of binary blocks can be serialized as text or from text. To do this you can GET using //lmdb/db/key.text and PUT a block of text using //lmdb/db/key.raw into a binary block. You can also store the text version and read it as binary by just switching .raw and .text. See more

Lmdb Blocks support everything described in this reference: slicing, being used in calls, attributes, constant assignment, forwarding, …