Getting started with Jazz
Jazz modules for version 1.25.x

The easy way: Latest Stable Server

The advanced way: Compiling Jazz (required for customizing)

Jazz 0.5.3: The Tangle Server

The last 0.5.x series version is the fist real world application of the modern Jazz versions. It contains The Tangle a curated entangled dataset of English language.

In 40 Gb of text, it contains many important English datasets that can be navigated at high speed (millions of jumps per seconds per thread) built on top of Jazz. It is the present and future of Jazz development. All the data provisioning processes are fully automated.

It will be maintained and used as the base of our language as code approach to AI.

The reason to create The Tangle: Building on the Shoulders of Linguists

Join the team

What is complete? What is under development?

The diagram above is updated. As the release version is delivered, the modules will no longer show the release version.

What is still refactoring from Jazz 0.5.x?


What can I try out from the original Jazz 0.1.7?

You can run a Jazz 0.1.7 server (still implemented as legacy in Jazz 0.2.x) using Docker from Docker Hub.

docker run -p8888:8888 kaalam/jazz_neat:

Check docker hub to find the name of the latest image.

Point a browser to http://localhost:8888/// to see if the server is running, you should get a page similar to


 version : 0.1.07
 build   : RELEASE
 artifact: Ubuntu_04.1
 myname  : Jazz1
 sysname : Linux
 hostname: j424x4
 kernel  : 4.15.0-36-generic
 sysvers : #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 24 16:19:09 UTC 2018
 machine : x86_64

You can install the R package from CRAN …


… and play with some example (Edit the line with set_jazz_host() as necessary.)

page <- '<html>\n<body>\n<br/>Hello world!\n</body>\n</html>'
# See with a browser.


A real world use of Jazz as an http server

The manual you are just reading, Jazz’s developer’s website, kaalam’s website, the package reference and more are developed using Jazz as the development server. You can find the source code of the automation on github.